[TV Version]
I'm so tired, oh so tired
All these voices in my brain
Living through my normal, oh so formal
I swear they're driving me insane
Can't tell who's a liar, come hell or high water
I'm not listening
I'm coming out
Oh hey, oh no
I won't let go till you say so
I'm tired of being lost
Show me the way to get back home
To get back home
[Full Version]
I've been fading but I'm waiting patiently
All these unfamiliar faces around me
I keep trying to remember who I used to be
I'm standing still until you talk to me
Oh hey, oh no
I won't let go till you say so
I'm tired of being lost
Show me the way to get back home
To get back home
I've tried winding back the clock a thousand ways
But all I see are memories of yesterday
Now I'm dying to remember who I used to be
I'm standing still, until you talk to me
Oh hey, oh no
I won't let go till you say so
I'm tired of being lost
Show me the way to get back home
To get back home
I'm so tired, oh so tired
All these voices in my brain
Living through my normal, oh so formal
I swear they're driving me insane
Can't tell who's a liar, come hell or high water
I'm not listening
I'm coming out
Oh hey, oh no
I won't let go till you say so
I'm tired of being lost
Show me the way to get back home
To get back home
[TV Version]
I'm so tired, oh so tired
All these voices in my brain
Living through my normal, oh so formal
I swear they're driving me insane
Can't tell who's a liar, come hell or high water
I'm not listening
I'm coming out
Oh hey, oh no
I won't let go till you say so
I'm tired of being lost
Show me the way to get back home
To get back home
[Full Version]
I've been fading but I'm waiting patiently
All these unfamiliar faces around me
I keep trying to remember who I used to be
I'm standing still until you talk to me
Oh hey, oh no
I won't let go till you say so
I'm tired of being lost
Show me the way to get back home
To get back home
I've tried winding back the clock a thousand ways
But all I see are memories of yesterday
Now I'm dying to remember who I used to be
I'm standing still, until you talk to me
Oh hey, oh no
I won't let go till you say so
I'm tired of being lost
Show me the way to get back home
To get back home
I'm so tired, oh so tired
All these voices in my brain
Living through my normal, oh so formal
I swear they're driving me insane
Can't tell who's a liar, come hell or high water
I'm not listening
I'm coming out
Oh hey, oh no
I won't let go till you say so
I'm tired of being lost
Show me the way to get back home
To get back home
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😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.
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